Love Is The Key to Your Breakthrough

The Art of Love workshop empowers and inspires women to live in freedom.
Love is the key to your breakthrough!
Have you ever wondered why things in your life seem to continue to elude you?
Do you find yourself wondering why you continue to struggle to have the life you desire?
Our lives are made up of many experiences some of those experiences leave us broken, confused, angry, and bitter. Despite our experiences we continue to push forward carrying the pain and brokenness right along with us. There are times when we try to bury our past and ignore the signals that life gives us letting us know that something isn't right. Whether it's sleepless nights, anxiety, or troubled relationships, we owe it to ourselves to slow down and pay attention to those signals.
What's your life telling you? Is there any unresolved hurt, pain or unforgiveness?
Take some time to identify the things in your heart that need healing. Make a commitment to surrender the pain. Let love and forgiveness into your heart washing away the tears and and healing the hurt. Love is the key to your breakthrough. Love yourself. Love others. This is the work that's needed to move your life forward.